Vegetables You Can Harvest Multiple Times for Endless Supply

By Harry RamosLast update: 2024-09-04

It’s great to use your garden for growing vegetables you can harvest multiple times for endless supply. At least you will receive two big benefits from this idea: fresh, chemical-free vegetables to eat and saving on the monthly grocery shopping budget.

There are a lot of vegetables and most of them are easy to grow plus quick to harvest. Below are some typical picks:


Vegetables You Can Harvest Multiple Times for Endless Supply

Start with one of the most common spices in the kitchen – scallions, also called spring onions or green onions. They are super-easy to grow and considered as one of the most rapid growth rates out of other veggies.

Scallions are ready to harvest after only 60-80 days depending on the soil quality and weather in your area.

When their tubular, hollow green shoots are approximately 6” high, you can start snipping the outer greens; scallions will keep sending out shoots from the bulb for endless supply.


Vegetables You Can Harvest Multiple Times for Endless Supply

If the climate in your area is cool and you love eating spinach, grow them.

Spinach requires only 37-45 days to be fully matured but you can harvest them earlier once the rosette has 5-6 leaves. Start snipping the outer leaves so that the inner layers have more time to thrive.

Vegetables You Can Harvest Multiple Times for Endless Supply

If you don’t like bitterness, harvest before they’re fully matured.

After the whole rosette is completely cut, they will continue to regrow for harvests in the next four weeks as long as the growing point is not damaged.

Each spinach plant offers 3+ times of harvesting if they’re properly cared for and the weather is still cool.

Romaine Lettuce

Vegetables You Can Harvest Multiple Times for Endless Supply

Just like other leafy vegetables in this list, romaine lettuce offers 3+ harvests.

Once they reach 20” tall (equivalent to 60-80 days after seedling), start harvesting from the outermost leaves. A few easy signs to let you know they’re ready for harvesting are:

  • Their leaves overlap in a tight bunch
  • The leaves look open
  • Leaf color turns into dark green

Take note that romaine lettuce will grow healthily in cool weather – the temperature ranging from 40 to 85 degrees F. But make sure to choose a place where your lettuce could receive 4-6 hours of full sun each day.


Vegetables You Can Harvest Multiple Times for Endless Supply

This vegetable is a member of a cabbage-like group, called the chicory family. The appearance of radicchio is a bit different from regular cabbage; they have purple leaves with white veins.

The taste is quite spicy and bitter, therefore, not everyone would love to eat this vegetable.

In turn, radicchio is easy to grow from seeds or transplanting as long as the weather is mild or cool. The best time to grow them is from autumn to spring, or at summer night when the temperature drops under 60 degrees F.

If grown from seeds, radicchio requires around 80-90 days to be readily harvested when their rosette size is equal to a basketball or it feels firm and compact when touched.

You can harvest the whole head of radicchio and if the temperature is still cool and they’ve cared for properly, new sprouts will be developed and ready to harvest after the next two weeks.


Vegetables You Can Harvest Multiple Times for Endless Supply

Kale is varied in colors, mainly purple and green. They are a type of cabbage with no head; their leaves are either flat or crinkly depending on the varieties. If exposed to too much heat, kale will taste a bit bitter.

On the contrary, in frozen weather, it tastes sweet.

This vegetable would grow best in cool temperatures ranging from 60 to 65 degrees F and take around 30-40 days for harvest.

When they reach 12” tall, you can start harvesting from the outermost leaves; avoid plucking the top, young ones because this causes the plant to be stunted. If harvested and cared for properly, kale will literally give you an endless supply.

Garden Cress

Vegetables You Can Harvest Multiple Times for Endless Supply

This is the easiest-to-grow and fastest-to-harvest vegetable on this list. They are a cool-weather lover and will thrive happily in 45 degrees F.

All you need to do is sow cress seeds into a raised bed, a patio container, a window box, or a shallow rill of the veggie patch. Then, cover them with garden soil and water reasonably.

Garden cress is both tasty to eat when they’re just microgreen or mature.

You can harvest garden cress microgreens after 15-20 days of seed-sowing or after 55-70 days if you like to eat mature cress. For endless supply, sow seeds every ten days.

Collard Greens

Vegetables You Can Harvest Multiple Times for Endless Supply

Just like spinach, Chinese cabbage, leaf lettuce, chard, and kale, collard greens are a cut-and-come-again vegetable, meaning that they will grow back after cutting if the growing point isn’t damaged.

Unlike other siblings, they can resist more cold and heat but their most favorite living condition is cool weather with medium sunlight.

They take around 60-75 days for full maturity and will taste the best when picked young – dark green and reach under 10” tall. The older ones taste a bit stringier.


Above are the best vegetables you can harvest multiple times for endless supply. Regardless, if you have more patience and experience in gardening, try these veggies (they will require extra time to reach mature size for harvest but taste excellent):

  • Corn salad – require 3 months after sowing
  • Swiss chards – 4 months
  • Celery – 2.5-4 months
  • Amaranth – 3 months

Here is the end of this post. Thanks for reading!

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