How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

By Harry RamosLast update: 2023-10-05

Does your small pool not have a filter?

Worry-free! There are many other effective ways to keep it clean. Here, we have not only listed all of them out but also categorized them into three main groups – using tools, using household materials, and using chemicals.

Our experts will also share with you some tips to remain the pool water cleaner with less effort spent.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter

Cleaning Methods

Change The Pool Water Frequently

If not properly cared for, your pool will become a home to many disease-causing germs and bacteria, such as Cryptosporidium, norovirus, and E. coli.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

They are the reason causing wound infections, neurologic, eye, respiratory, ear, skin, and gastrointestinal. These germs intrude your body through the mouth (if you swallow the pool water) and open wounds.

If your pool is really small, draining and refilling it frequently isn’t a colossal waste of water. You can reuse it for watering your plants.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?
Before refilling the pool, remember to scrub it thoroughly to keep the water remaining clean for longer.

Soap Sponges

Stains are commonly embedded in the waterline of pools, which is dirty and looks unaesthetic. A simple way to remove them is using soap sponges.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

Another benefit of this equipment is to remove shampoo and soap bubbles from a pool when kids take a bath there.

Different from other types of sponges, it can soak up to 40 times its weight, so when being dipped near the shampoo lather, it will immediately trap the bubbles.

Note: Remember to clean the soap sponges before and after use.

Pool Skimmers

Once a pool is placed outdoors, there’s always something falling into it. The most common objects are leaves, flowers, and floating debris.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

In such a case, having a skimmer at hand will help you quickly get them out.

Aside from keeping the pool water surface always clean, it prevents stuff from being sucked into the pool pipes, which might lead to clogging them.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

For a small pool, one skimmer is enough.

Swimming Pool Cleaning Kits

No need for a sewage treatment plant, you can use a pool cleaning kit to get rid of dirt and debris accumulated on your pool’s surface.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

Each kit commonly consists of:

  • One thermometer – to measure the water temp
  • Leaf collector – to get rid of fallen leaves or floating debris
  • One pool brush – to clean pool walls and the bottom
  • pH analyzer
  • Chlorine

Follow the instructions to clean your pool.

Electric Pool Cleaners

This equipment is lightweight, self-contained, and easy to use. It includes:

  • Rotating brushes – to remove stubborn dirt and algae
  • A bag or filter to trap dirt particles in the water
  • An electric motor to create suction and offer power to propel them
How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

Depending on the pool size, it might take around 1 to 3 hours for cleaning. In terms of the cleaning frequency, ensure at least once per week.

Although this method is expensive, it’s time-saving and hands-free to be perfect for busy people.

Household Materials

Vitamin C

Also called ascorbic acid.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

This is one of the most popular household materials for removing stains in pools although its effects aren’t as strong as caustic or other chemicals. In turn, vitamin C is safe for human health, especially for kids.

Rubbing Alcohol

Some people call it isopropyl alcohol.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

This household material works best on sticky stains but it’s only recommended to use 60% diluted rubbing alcohol for safety. Each 500ml of the solution is enough for a 15’ x 30’ pool.

White Vinegar

White vinegar is usually used for removing calcium buildup, which keeps your pool water from looking too white.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

Dilute white vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:1. Dip a soft cloth or sponge into this mixture, then gently scrub stains.


Borax is cheap, easy to find, and comfortable for swimmers if used for cleaning the pool.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

Aside from cleaning clothes or removing stains in bathroom walls, it works excellently on getting rid of stains, slippery residue, and sticky substances on a pool. Aside from stabilizing pH levels in the pool water, the boron in borax inhibits algae growth efficiently.

For every 5,000 gallons of pool water, use 20 ounces of borax.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is generally used to remain alkaline in pool water. Just like other household materials, it is safe, cheap, natural, and non-abrasive.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?
There are two common ways to use baking soda for cleaning a pool:
  • Pour it into a pool skimmer. The circular motion of this equipment will dissolve baking soda baster in the water
  • Sprinkle it over your pool surface

Then, leave it alone for 6-10 hours. Don’t use the pool during this time.

Note: Don’t use over 2.5 pounds of baking soda in a day.


Chlorine And Bromide

This is the most economical option out of numerous pool cleaning chemicals available on the market. It kills germs, fungi, bacteria, and water microorganisms fast and efficiently.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

You should keep it between 0.6 mg and 1.5 mg/l for safety.

Chlorine as a treatment of pools is available in different formats, such as liquid, tablets, and granulation.


You can combine using chlorine with 60% of algaecide – a useful chemical to inhibit algae’s growth in a pool – for the best results.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

How To Help A Small Pool Remain Cleaner?

Use A Cover

Fallen objects and rainwater are two common causes for a quickly dirty outdoor pool.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?

From that point, you should cover it when not in use. This also helps reduce the time of cleaning the pool. Buy a pool cover or DIY one for money-saving.

Outdoor Showers & Foot Bath

To avoid bringing outdoor dirt, dust, and debris to your pool, always remember to shower with clean, fresh water and take a foot bath before swimming.

How To Keep A Small Pool Clean Without A Filter?


Above is everything you need to know to keep a small pool clean without a filter. Hopefully, it was helpful to you, and thanks for reading!

I’m Harry Ramos, who's crazy about all things green. I’m here to share some experience in my gardening adventure and how to choose the best products for your garden. Let's dig in, get our hands dirty, and celebrate the simple, earthy pleasures of the garden together!