Best Insecticide For Japanese Beetles of 2025: Top 6 Picks

By Harry RamosLast update: 2025-01-29

Although there are many natural ways to remove Japanese beetles, they can't give you a perfect outcome in all cases. While some just can treat larvae instead of adults, others require a lot of time to pick each Japanese beetle adult.

Thus, if you are looking for a solution that can remove Japanese beetles as much as possible from your garden quickly, choose the best insecticide for Japanese beetles.

Here are the best insecticides for japanese beetles you can buy in 2025:

  • Best For Roses (Organic Insecticide): Natria
  • Fungicide, Insecticide, And Miticide Combo (Organic Insecticide): Bonide
  • Best For Vegetables (Organic Insecticide): Safer
  • Fast Acting (Synthetic Insecticide): Atticus
  • Best For Fruit Trees (Synthetic Insecticide): Sevin
  • Best For Lawn (Synthetic Insecticide): Spectracide
6 Best Insecticides For Japanese Beetles
Best For Roses
  • Organic Insecticide
Fungicide, Insecticide, And Miticide Combo
  • Organic Insecticide
Best For Vegetables
  • Organic Insecticide
Fast Acting
  • Synthetic Insecticide
Best For Fruit Trees
  • Synthetic Insecticide
Best For Lawn
  • Synthetic Insecticide

Best For Roses: Natria

  • Safe to spray on plant and leaves directly
  • Cheap
  • Nontoxic
  • Effective
  • Fast to evaporate
  • Bad smell
  • Not detailed instruction

The attack of Japanese beetles is a common problem of roses, whether you grow some roses bushes outdoors or pot roses indoors. The Natria Organic Insecticide is a must for rose growers because it can prevent the development of Japanese beetles on roses from the first stage.

I don’t simply recommend this product because the manufacturer has listed Japanese beetles on “PROTECTS AGAINST” and roses on ”WHERE TO USE”, although this information is really important. According to customers, they applied this insecticide on their rose bushes and their flowers are free of these beetles the next morning.

Natria Specifications


Oil, Spray


1.7 pounds


24 Fluid Ounces

Active Ingredients

0.9% Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil

Highlight Features

Ready-to-use bottle



The Natria Organic Insecticide can kill Japanese beetles on roses, which is proven by many customers.

Fungicide, Insecticide, And Miticide Combo: Bonide

  • Effective as advertised
  • Quick to work
  • A death smell

Apart from Japanese beetles, your lawn and plants are also attacked by other types and have other problems, right?

There is no need to buy many products to treat each problem separately. There would not be enough time to wait for the best result, especially since it might not be safe to combine different products to use on a plant. Instead, consider a 3-in-1 unit like the Bonide Organic Insecticide that is a fungicide, insecticide, and miticide combo.

Despite its high effect, it's very easy to use this product that is delivered in a ready-to-use bottle. After unboxing, you can directly spray on your plants or lawn?

Bonide Specifications




2.3 Pounds


32 Fluid Ounces

Highlight Features

A fungicide, miticide, and insecticide combo


The Bonide Organic Insecticide can help you solve many problems because of a fungicide, insecticide, and miticide combo.

Best For Vegetables: Safer

  • Easy to use
  • Effective
  • Weird smell

The key to choosing an insecticide for vegetables is SAFETY because you will eat them after harvesting. The Safer Organic Insecticide is OMRI listed. What does it mean? The Organic Materials Review Institute organization determines input products that can be used in organic production and processing.

Although it is safe to use on any vegetables, it is as strong as some chemical products to remove a wide range of soft-bodied insect pests such as spider mites, leafhopper, whiteflies, mealybugs, and aphids.

Safer Specifications


Soap Concentrate


0.01 ounces


16 oz

Active Ingredients

Potassium salts of fatty acids

Highlight Features

Kills a variety of soft-bodied insect pests on contact

OMRI Listed


The Safer Organic Insecticide is safe enough to use on your vegetables, fruits, and apply on other organic gardening tasks.

Fast Acting: Atticus

  • Safe for you and pets
  • Easy to use
  • Non selective

Is your lawn or plants seriously attacked by bugs and pests? In this case, you need a solution that can solve your problem as soon as possible before insects ruin your whole yard or garden. The Atticus Synthetic Insecticide is a wonderful solution because it is fast acting when contacting insects.

Atticus Specifications




9.24 Pounds


1 Gallons

Active Ingredients

7.9% bifenthrin

Highlight Features



Broad-spectrum insect kill


The fast acting Atticus Synthetic Insecticide can remove a serious attack of insects, bugs, and pests quickly.

Best For Fruit Trees: Sevin

  • Easy to mix and apply
  • Safe
  • Expensive

If you need features of a synthetic insecticide, but require it to be safe to apply on your fruit trees, you can consider this product. According to the manufacturer, the Sevin Synthetic Insecticide can kill over 500 common pests on vegetables and fruits without harming them.

Sevin Specifications




1 pounds


16 Ounces

Active Ingredients


Highlight Features

Kills over 500 pests

Protects more than 250 vegetables and fruits


Despite being a synthetic insecticide, the Sevin Synthetic Insecticide is safe enough to be applied on fruits and vegetables.

Best For Lawn: Spectracide

  • Easy to use
  • Good to remove grubs
  • Not for serious attacks

Always remember to apply specific insecticides for the right purpose. If not, it is not effective, even harming your plants, pets, and people accidentally.

In case you are looking for a solution for your lawn, here is it. The Spectracide Synthetic Insecticide is formulated for removing insects on your lawn and landscapes.

How many products should you buy to treat your whole large lawn?

With only one bottle, you can cover up to 64000 square feet of lawn.

Spectracide Specifications




8.75 pounds


1 Gallons

Highlight Features

Fast-acting formula


The Spectracide Synthetic Insecticide is formulated for use on lawns safely and effectively.

How To Choose The Best Insecticide For Japanese Beetles?

Which Insecticide Can Remove Japanese Beetles?

To have this information, check the product targets listed on the label. Make sure that the insecticide that is formulated for getting rid of Japanese beetles.

Are You Dealing With Larvae Or Japanese Beetle Adults?

Determining the life stage of Japanese beetles helps you choose an insecticide with the right effective range because different products target different specific Japanese life stages. For example, some just can remove larvae or adults while others can kill both of them. Apart from treatments for active disease, there are preventative products that can be applied before Japanese beetles appear.

Where Are Japanese Beetles Attacking?

After answering this question, check the information on the label. If it is used indoors, outdoors, garden or lawn. Don't apply the product in areas that aren't listed on the label. It's not effective, or even dangerous sometimes.


Don't use insecticide around the water source, lakes, streams, and creeks without checking the information on the label because it can cause contamination of water sources.

How Large Is The Treated Area?

For a large area, choose concentrated products that help you save more than other types.

Which Brands Make The Best Insecticide For Japanese Beetles?


Since 1926, Bonide has been famous for high-quality products in home, lawn, and garden pest categories.


How effective is neem oil on Japanese beetles?

If you are looking for a safe solution to directly spray on your affected plants, choose the nontoxic neem oil. Although it can’t kill Japanese beetle adults, this solution is effective enough to kill the hatched larvae. After male beetles eat neem oil that is passed on their eggs, their larvae will die before entering the adult stage.

What is a natural insecticide for Japanese beetles?

Pick Japanese Beetles With Your Hands

Although this is not an insecticide, it is a natural and effective way to remove Japanese beetles. Of course, this method will take you more time than others. However, the best time to handpick Japanese beetles is the early morning because they are active at this time. Remember to wear a pair of gloves, then pick Japanese beetles from your lawn and other plants. Don’t squeeze and crush them. If not, your garden can be attacked by more beetles. Instead, you can kill them in a more humane way by dropping all of them in a mixture of 2 tsps of liquid dish soap and a gallon of water.

Keep Japanese Beetles’ Natural Enemy In Your Garden

You can own or find ways to attract guinea fowl, ducks, and other birds to your yard to reduce Japanese beetle populations. For example, applying your whole lawn with a mixture of dish soap and water can force Japanese beetle larvae to go to the surface. This way will attract hungry birds, but you have to spray it in fall and late spring. This time is the larval stage of Japanese beetles’ life cycle. Reapply this mixture weekly until you see no further larvae.

Take Care Of Your Lawn And Plants In Your Garden

This type of beetle is attracted by rotting and overripe plants, so keeping your lawn and plants healthy can avoid the attack of Japanese beetles. Quickly removing diseased plants, and harvesting trees, fruits, and vegetables before Japanese beetles attack your yard is also a suitable solution.

Apply Row Covers

Row covers allow your plants to reach the air, sunlight, water, and other elements without being attacked by Japanese beetles. For the best effect, make sure that the edges of the cover are flush with the ground or firmly sealed. This method is not effective in cases in which Japanese beetle grubs have infested the soil since row covers will trap these beetles inside with your plants.

Use Beneficial Nematodes

Letting parasitic roundworms (beneficial nematodes) enter the soil can prevent the development of Japanese beetles since these organisms will release bacteria that kills the young beetles. After killing the hosts, they will move to another beetle, to reproduce this process.

The best time to apply this way is late August and early September. This time is the next cycle of Japanese beetles for the following year. However, you can add nematodes to the soil as long as it is watered sufficiently.


  • Heterorhabditis is the most effective species to fight against Japanese beetles
  • The targets of this method is larvae not adults
  • You can buy beneficial nematodes in your local home and garden store

Buy Plants Wisely

Although Japanese beetles eat a variety of plants, some are their favorite food sources. If possible, avoid growing these types.

Use Drop Cloth

In the evening, cover your plants with a large drop cloth, then remove it in the morning when the Japanese beetles are most active. Now, you can catch many attached beetles on the cloth.

Use A Fruit Cocktail Trap

Ferment the cocktail by leaving it under the sunlight for some days. This way can make your trap more attractive to beetles. Put the trap on the top of a brick or bricks stacked inside a pail of water. Pay attention to keeping this trap from your plants. How does this trap work? The cocktail attracts the Japanese beetles so that the water drowns them.

Mix Soap And Water

Mix a quart of water and 4 tsps of dish soap in a spray bottle. This mixture works as a natural Japanese beetle pesticide.

Does insecticide kill Japanese beetles but not plants?


When should I start spraying for Japanese beetles?

It's best to start spraying in late July or early August when the grubs are emerging.

How often should you spray neem oil for Japanese beetles?

Apply every 7 days while Japanese beetles are spotted.


After handpicking Japanese beetles on your plants and lawn, you think your yard is free of them, right? In fact, they can come back because the larvae live underground. If you want to get rid of them as much as possible, it's essential to invest in the best insecticide for Japanese beetles.

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