Landscaping Plants For Front Of House

By Harry RamosLast update: 2024-05-06
Landscaping Plants For Front Of House

Nobody wants the front of their house to look boring but not everyone has time, effort, and money to upgrade it.

That said, there still is a simple yet effective way to improve your front yard – growing plants. Below are the most popular landscaping plants in front of the house that you can easily grow them with the least effort.


Landscaping Plants For Front Of House

Evergreen is a plant that produces green foliage all-year-round, which means it doesn’t change leaves’ color during the summer or lose its foliage in the fall and winter.

This is a great choice to add green background to your front yard.

Evergreen includes plenty of varieties, including small bushes and tall trees. You can choose to grow one giant tree in front of your house as a focal point while getting some extra shade. Or, planting just some small bushes around the mailbox to beautify it.

Ilex x altaclarensis 'Golden King’ and Ilex aquifolium 'Pyramidalis' are worth a try. Meanwhile, American Arborvitae is considered the fastest growing evergreen shrub for hedges.

The best time to grow an evergreen is during spring when the frost is out and the soil has thawed. This plant loves thriving in cool conditions with plenty of spring rains.

Jewel Box™ Distylium

Landscaping Plants For Front Of House

It’s not hard to find Jewel Box™ Distylium in mass hedges, borders, or plantings. This plant is considered a great alternative to Holly or Boxwood due to its small size and the good-looking, blue-green, and soft foliage.

The perfect USDA zones for Jewel Box™ Distylium is 7a to 9b.

Once becoming mature, it can reach desired dimensions of 2–3′ H x 3–4′ W.

This evergreen variety would be a great choice for those people living in a warm climate because it loves full sun to part shade.

I love growing them because of not only their simple maintenance and easy to grow but also the returns year after year, as well as good tolerance to heat, drought, and pest.

The best time to grow them is in early spring. Remember to well-watering the soil a day before seeding and feeding them thoroughly during the growing season. Jewel Box™ Distylium can be grown in a pot, container, or directly on the ground.

Slender Deutzia

Landscaping Plants For Front Of House

If there is little space in front of your house, don’t worry, this is a great choice to add beauty for it – slender deutzia.

It is a small shrub featuring maturity dimensions of 3 to 5 feet.

Blooming in early spring, its flowers are small, white with a slight fragrance. It is commonly used in mixed border, massing, or foundation.

Like other plant options in this list, slender deutzia is very simple to grow. It thrives strongly in partial shade (4 to 6 hours of light per day) to full sun (6 hours’ light per day). The best season to grow slender deutzia is mid-spring and they love moist, well-drained soil with high pH levels.

Because of its slow growth rate, it’d better choose a shrub that has your desired dimensions to add to the front landscaping.

After they flower, prune to enhance their growth.

In terms of pest and disease problems, just rest assured, they can tolerate phenomenally well against such issues. They’re even able to thrive in Alkaline soil or handle occasional drought.

Rosemary Chef’s Choice

Landscaping Plants For Front Of House

Or called Rosemarinus Officinalis.

According to its high oil content and strong aroma, Rosemary Chef’s Choice is widely used for cooking.

But don’t you know that it is also considered as one of the most popular plant choices to grow near entertaining areas?

Aside from its undeniable benefits in cuisine, this is an attractive plant to perfectly adds to many places.

You can grow them in a decorative pot and arrange them to add to your front landscaping beauty or simply plant along the hedges.

Landscaping Plants For Front Of House

Combining with its wonderful fragrance, you’ll feel very soothing and relaxing whenever walking to your house or taking care of them.

Similar to slender deutzia, it can tolerate drought and coastal conditions to thrive strongly.

If you want them to grow the most healthily, use a well-drained soil for them and place in a sunny spot.

Mojo Japanese Pittosporum

This pretty evergreen shrub is native to southern China and Japan with an emphasis on salt tolerance. From that point, it is highly recommended to grow near the beach in USDA Zones 7 to 10.

Aside from the ability to tolerate salt, Mojo Japanese Pittosporum is known for its resistance to drought, sandy soil, and wind.

Give it well-drained soil and full sun, it will grow happily throughout the year.

People love growing this dense evergreen shrub along their hedges or on foundation plantings is the high adaptability to various conditions and its attractive foliage.

One special thing about this plant is it doesn’t get huge like other forms of pittosporum but only around 3’ tall and diameter when mature. This makes the variety perfect for a narrow front yard or under windows.


Landscaping Plants For Front Of House

The daylily is a versatile plant that’s worth adding to your front landscaping.

Aside from its beautiful flowers with highly diverse in forms and colors, it is edible, both the blossoms and buds, and best to consume the same day you pick them.

Landscaping Plants For Front Of House

Regardless, there are many ways to use up their flowers, such as storing in a fridge or dry them to make as food later, called golden needles. And, this recipe is considered to bring many huge benefits to humans’ health.

For example, reduce hemorrhoids, insomnia, jaundice, red urine symptoms while helping detoxification.

Daylily usually produces flowers between late spring and midsummer in a trumpet shape with delicate beauty.


That’s all for this post.

I hope that with the suggestions of landscaping plants for front of the house, you will have more interesting ideas to add beauty to this area.

Thanks for reading!

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