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  • How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

By Harry RamosLast update: 2023-11-02

Find out that your yard is full of weeds after a while of not taking care of?

Feel shocked a little bit, huh?

Don’t worry, it’s not difficult to get rid of weeds, particularly when you have a good, proper weed treatment. Below is our ultimate guide on how to clean a yard full of weeds.

Why Is My Yard Full Of Weeds?

We bet that many people, especially beginners, wonder why weeds quickly cover their yard but not the grass. Here are the reasons:

Compacted soil (whether from poor soil composition or excessive foot traffic) restricts grassroots from getting the air, water, and nutrients that they need.

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

Not watering grass enough: A fact that the root systems of weeds are more robust than grass’s, and during drought season, they’re still alive by absorbing what water there is. For the grass, if not watered well, it can’t compete with weeds.

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

Choose the wrong mowing setting: The ideal condition for weeds to grass strongly is poor grass growth.

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

The thicker the grass, the thinner the weeds, and vice versa. Setting an improper mowing mode for your grass height might cause your lawn to be weaker. Choosing a higher setting is worth considering.

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

Know The Type Of Weeds Currently Invaded Your Yard

“To know oneself is true progress”, they said.

The best way to optimally kill weeds in your yard is to identify which kinds of them you have to deal with. Weeds are categorized diversely, and each requires specific treatment. Here are some common kinds of weeds in the garden and yard.

Based on the life cycle:

  • Perennial weeds: they can regenerate by vegetation, which means even the smallest tuber or root can reproduce an entire plant, not just seeds.
How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?
  • Biennial weeds: they grow in two seasons, and in the 2nd, biennial weeds well flower, set seeds and die.
How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?
  • Annual weeds: they last only one season or one year, but during this time, annual weeds will produce numerous seeds for the next year/season.
How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

Based on the appearance:

  • Grassy weeds: similar to grass; grow one leaf in the meantime. For example crabgrass, quackgrass, annual bluegrass, and foxtail.
How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?
  • Grass-like weeds: similar to grass; their leaves have a tube or triangular shape. For example wild onion, wild garlic, and nutsedge.
How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?
  • Broadleaf: their leaves are flat and broad. For example chickweed, dandelions, goat heads, ground ivy, clover, wild violet or oxalis.
How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

Choose Proper Weed Treatment

Cleaning And Mowing

You’ll need a small hand shovel and a mower.

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

Tear as many weed clusters as possible, and dump all of them (including their roots) because 1) if placing pulled weeds on the ground, they might regenerate afterward, and 2) you’ll have to mow the yard later, this will chop them up and also replant them inadvertently.

We guess if your yard is full of weeds, the grass might be very thin, right? To re-establish the whole lawn, you need to kill your existing so don’t feel regret about it.

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

When mowing, choose sharp blades and a high mowing mode.

Choose The Right Weed Killer

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

Now, go to a local plant store, ask the seller for the right herbicide to kill the kinds of weeds in your yard.

Don’t try to buy online and do guesswork, especially if you’re a newbie because chances are that you will waste some more money.

Consider your needs as well.

Some people want to kill weeds as fast as possible to quickly replant a new lawn (which herbicides are a good choice) while others have lots of time at hand and they prefer a more natural way.

If you fall into the 1st group of people, the next thing to consider is your budget and the size of your yard to choose the right volume of herbicides. Ask the seller for help.

Besides, remember to buy a sprayer and a pair of gloves if you don’t have one yet.

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

Note: Don’t sow seeds immediately after applying herbicides. They need time to work and remember that herbicides kill whatever plant life once they contact with.

It is commonly 3 to 4 weeks after applying herbicides to start seeding a new lawn.

Loosen & Amend The Soil

During these 3-4 weeks, frequently aerate the soil to loosen it, which will help the grass grow deeper, and absorb more water and nutrients.

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?
The best way to aerate the soil is both by powered tools and by the hands. You can buy or rent a turf aerator.

After aeration, it’s time to amend the soil. A yard full of weeds usually has hard and poor-nutrient soil. From that point, you should test the soil to know exactly their ingredients, then, find out the right amendment.

Re-Establish A New Lawn

Beforehand, you should make sure to get rid of all dead debris around your yard so that seeds can directly contact the ground.

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?

There are two ways to re-establish a new lawn – laying down sod and laying down seed.




Require little care

You can lay it anytime of year

Instant grass

Less options in grass kinds




More options in grass kinds

Time-taking to germinate

Need laying down in certain times of year

Water And Maintain Your New Lawn

How Do You Clean A Yard Full Of Weeds?
After seeding, water your lawn either early in the morning or in the afternoon to avoid harsh heat of sunlight. Water it as frequently as possible (at least 2 times/week), and make sure to provide enough water, depending on the specific kind of grass.

Besides, fertilize them properly. Choose fertilizer that contains phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen to boost the grass growth.


Renovating a yard full of weeds needs time, so you should be patient. Give your new grass a few weeks to be visible and then, start caring for them. Thanks for reading!

I’m Harry Ramos, who's crazy about all things green. I’m here to share some experience in my gardening adventure and how to choose the best products for your garden. Let's dig in, get our hands dirty, and celebrate the simple, earthy pleasures of the garden together!

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