Best Fungicide For Dollar Spot of 2025: Top 6 Picks

By Harry RamosLast update: 2024-12-25

Welcome to today's blog post about the best fungicide for dollar spot - an all-too-common problem that can plague your lawn and garden.

Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or just starting out, we know how frustrating it can be to deal with these unsightly brown spots on your turf.

Fortunately, there are many effective fungicides available that can help protect your yard and minimize damage from this fungal disease. In this post, we'll explore some of the top options available and provide tips for choosing the right one for your needs. So let's get started!

Here are the best fungicides for dollar spot you can buy in 2025:

  • Best For Bluegrass (Contact Fungicide): Spectracide 100507462
  • Best For Quick Result (Contact Fungicide): Bonide 811
  • Best For Long-Lasting (Contact Fungicide Control): Monterey LG3190
  • Best For St. Augustine Grass (Contact Fungicide): Southern Ag 029030
  • Best For Bermuda Grass (Systemic Fungicide): Propiconazole 83013365
  • Low Odor (Systemic Fungicide): Select Source Propiconazole 14.3 Pint Select Fungicide
6 Best Fungicides For Dollar Spot
Best For Bluegrass
Spectracide 100507462
  • Contact Fungicide
Best For Quick Result
Bonide 811
  • Contact Fungicide
Best For Long-Lasting
Monterey LG3190
  • Contact Fungicide Control
Best For St. Augustine Grass
Southern Ag 029030
  • Contact Fungicide
Best For Bermuda Grass
Propiconazole 83013365
  • Systemic Fungicide
Low Odor
Select Source Propiconazole 14.3 Pint Select Fungicide
  • Systemic Fungicide

Best For Bluegrass: Spectracide 100507462

Spectracide 100507462
Spectracide 100507462
  • Destroy fungi spores that cause dollar spots – Myclobutanil
  • Not harm Bluegrass when used as directed
  • Provide up to 8 weeks of protection
  • You must make sure to mix the solution exactly
  • The product has strong smell

Containing a concentrated formula with the active ingredient being Myclobutanil, the Spectracide 100507462 is designed to attack and destroy spores that cause the disease to hence effectively control and prevent dollar spot disease in Bluegrass.

As a contact fungicide, the product is easy to apply. Most importantly, it won't harm Bluegrass when used as directed.

It's also fast-acting and long-lasting, and it provides excellent control and protection for up to 8 weeks or more.

Spectracide 100507462 Specifications


16 Fluid Ounces

Active Ingredients


Highlight Features


Not harm Bluegrass when used as directed

Provide up to 8 weeks of protection


The Spectracide 100507462 is specifically designed for preventing many diseases (including dollar spots) on Bluegrass.

Best For Quick Result: Bonide 811

Bonide 811
Bonide 811
  • Deliver quick results - copper sulfate
  • Best for organic gardening
  • Convenient to mix – ready-to-mix formula & the lid doubles as a measuring cup
  • It requires reapplying weekly
  • Be careful, this product can burn skin easily

The Bonide 811 is an effective bactericide and fungicide used to manage a wide range of plant diseases, including dollar spots, thanks to its active ingredients; specifically, copper sulfate.

The copper sulfate is known to help quickly kill the fungus responsible for dollar spots and its residual properties help to keep them from coming back.

In addition, the liquid form of this fungicide allows for easier application and uniform coverage. This helps to reduce the risk of infection and ensure quick results.

But take note that copper sulfate can be toxic if ingested, so it's important to use the product according to the directions on the label and to use protective gear when handling it.

Bonide 811 Specifications


16 Fluid Ounces

Active Ingredients

Copper Octanoate (copper Soap) 10%.

Highlight Features

copper sulfate

Best for organic gardening

ready-to-mix formula & the lid doubles as a measuring cup


Want to get quick results? Then, you shouldn’t miss out on the Bonide 811

Best For Long-Lasting: Monterey LG3190

Monterey LG3190
Monterey LG3190
  • Deliver long-lasting control - a liquid copper base
  • Safe for environment and humans - EPA regulated
  • Ready to use - an attached hose-end sprayer
  • No complaint

Making the Monterey LG3190 ideal for long-lasting control of dollar spots on lawns because its active ingredient is a liquid copper base, which is known for high weather resistance.

This substance is also beloved by many lawn owners and gardeners for its excellent coverage of the affected area. Plus, it can prevent infection and control numerous diseases (including dollar spots) attacking citrus, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and ornamentals.

If you're also an environment-conscious person, rest assured, the Monterey LG3190 is EPA regulated, meaning that it's safe for both the environment and humans.

Monterey LG3190 Specifications


32 Fluid Ounces

Active Ingredients

copper count N

Highlight Features

a liquid copper base

EPA regulated

an attached hose-end sprayer


For those who want to provide long-lasting control over dollar spots for their lawn, check out the Monterey LG3190

Best For St. Augustine Grass: Southern Ag 029030

Southern Ag 029030
Southern Ag 029030
  • Safe for St. Augustine grass – organic formula
  • Simple to use – compatibility with hose end sprayers
  • Reasonable price
  • Not water resistant

The Southern Ag 029030 is a broad-spectrum fungicide that controls a wide variety of diseases caused by bacteria and fungi, including dollar spot.

It can prevent existing and potential disease outbreaks, as well as helps reduce the spread of the disease and discourage new infections.

Since it is organic, it is safe to use on St. Augustine grass and will not damage the turf.

Southern Ag 029030 Specifications


32 Fluid Ounces

Active Ingredients

Copper Diammonia Diacetate Complex

Highlight Features


The Southern Ag 029030 is 100% organic and safe to use on St. Augustine grass. Besides, it utilizes Copper Diammonia Diacetate Complex, a powerful substance to cure dollar spots effectively.

Best For Bermuda Grass: Propiconazole 83013365

Propiconazole 83013365
Propiconazole 83013365
  • Ideal for both cool and warm season grasses, including Bermuda grass - Propiconazole
  • Great grass coverage - Microemulsion formulation
  • It works slowly

The Propiconazole 83013365 is a systemic fungicide, which means it moves within the plant to provide protection against dollar spots on Bermuda Grass.

Hence, it provides excellent disease control and is highly effective in controlling dollar spots caused by the causal fungus.

This product is easily applied with a hose-end sprayer or pump sprayer and can be mixed with water at a rate of 1-2 fluid ounces per gallon of water.

Propiconazole 83013365 Specifications


1 Quart

Active Ingredients


Highlight Features


Microemulsion formulation


If you’re looking for the best systemic fungicide for preventing dollar spots on Bermuda grass, we recommend the Propiconazole 83013365

Low Odor: Select Source Propiconazole 14.3 Pint Select Fungicide

Select Source Propiconazole 14.3 Pint Select Fungicide
Select Source Propiconazole 14.3 Pint Select Fungicide
  • More comfortable to use – low-odor formula
  • Eco-friendly and safe for humans – EPA regulated
  • A bit pricey

The Select Source Propiconazole 14.3 Pint Select Fungicide contains 14.3% Propiconazole, one of the most active ingredients in fungicides known for the ability to kill and control dollar spots and many other lawn diseases.

The way it works is to prevent fungal cellular growth by inhibiting the ergosterol incorporation from the growing fungal cell membranes.

Propiconazole has proven to be a very effective fungicide for treating such diseases.

It is also a great choice because it is not toxic and does not have any strong odors. It is just slightly irritating to the skin and is a dermal sensitizer, but it is not overly powerful or offensive.

Select Source Propiconazole 14.3 Pint Select Fungicide Specifications


14.3 Pints

Active Ingredients

14.3% Propiconazole

Highlight Features

low-odor formula

EPA regulated


We particularly love the Select Source Propiconazole 14.3 Pint Select Fungicide not only because of its top-notch performance in preventing dollar spots but also its low-odor formula.

How To Choose The Best Fungicide For Dollar Spot?

Type Of Fungicide

You should consider the type of fungicide, as each type has different modes of action and may have a different impact on dollar spots.

For example, contact fungicides such as chlorothalonil and fluoxastrobin are effective at killing fungi quickly; however, they can also be toxic to beneficial soil organisms.

On the other hand, systemic fungicides such as DMIs, dicarboximides, and benzimidazoles may provide longer-lasting protection against dollar spots, but they are also more likely to induce resistance in the fungus.

Application Rate And Timing Of The Fungicide

It's important to consider the application rate and timing of the fungicide because these will affect the efficacy of the product.

For the most effective control, fungicides should be applied at the recommended label rate and at the appropriate times of the season.

In general, preventative applications are most effective for controlling Dollar Spot, as this reduces the risk of infection.

Bonus tip:

Don't forget to consider any fungicide-resistant strains that may be present in your area, as these may require alternate treatment methods.

Which Brands Make The Best Fungicide For Dollar Spot?


Spectracide is an excellent brand for fungicides as its products can prevent or treat a variety of diseases commonly found in lawns and gardens. Such as black spot, powdery mildew, dollar spot, or any other fungal infection.

They also provide excellent protection against pests and other insects, with its fast-acting insect, lawn disease, and weed control solutions.


Bonide fungicide products are designed to be safe and effective and are available in many formulations, including liquid concentrates, ready-to-use sprays, and dusts.

They contain natural active ingredients such as copper and sulfur, which provide broad-spectrum protection against fungus, mildew, and other diseases.

Some of their fungicide products also contain insecticidal properties, which can provide additional protection from damaging pests.

Furthermore, Bonide fungicides are easy to use and have a wide range of application rates, so you can find the one that best fits your needs.

Southern Agricultural Insecticides, Inc.

Southern Agricultural Insecticides, Inc. offers a wide variety of products, from garden-friendly biological fungicides to more traditional fungicides, that are designed to control plant diseases in the home garden.

What's worth mentioning is, the company is still owned and operated by the founding family, providing a level of trust and quality assurance that cannot be found with other brands.

In short, this is an excellent brand for those looking for quality, reliable, and affordable fungicides.

Select Source

The Select Source offers a wide range of products that have been proven to be effective against many tree fruit diseases.

Their products include locally systemic fungicides which are all highly rated and known for their effectiveness.

The company has also earned a reputation for providing outstanding service and competitive prices for their fungicides, and customers can also benefit from their Ask A Pro service for any inquiries.


Will most fungicides control dollar spot?

Yes, most fungicides are effective against dollar spot. The most effective ones are chlorothalonil, fluoxastrobin, and azoxystrobin.

Does azoxystrobin treat dollar spot?

Yes, azoxystrobin is an effective fungicide for the treatment of dollar spots in lawns. It should be applied according to label directions and is best used in combination with other fungicides such as chlorothalonil, fluoxastrobin or armada 50 WDG.

When should fungicide for dollar spot be applied?

Fungicide for dollar spot should be applied prior to or when symptoms first develop and are at a low severity. It is important to select fungicides that are labeled for the targeted disease and have been demonstrated to be effective.

What happens if you apply too much fungicide for dollar spot?

Applying too much fungicide can kill good microbes in the soil or burn the turfgrasses or both.

Can fungicide for dollar spot be applied in hot weather?

It's also important to note that hot weather can often increase the severity of dollar spots, so even if you can apply the fungicide during hot weather, it may not be as effective overall in controlling the disease.

If possible, it's best to wait until temperatures are cooler and more conducive to the application of the fungicide.

Generally, fungicide for dollar spots is best applied when the temperatures are between 70º and 80ºF and when the weather is moist.


Dollar spots can be a difficult disease to treat, but with the right fungicides, it is possible to get rid of this pesky fungus.

We hope that our guide has helped you find the best fungicide for dollar spot for your needs.

Don't forget to take all necessary precautions when applying any fungicide and make sure that your lawn is properly managed in order to prevent future outbreaks of dollar spots.

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